Don't Let Commencement Day Feel Daunting

Prepare for a memorable day with inspiring speeches, the conferring of degrees, and celebrations with family and friends.

Please arrive at your assembly area in your cap and gown no later than an hour before your ceremony begins.

Doctoral Candidates

Doctoral candidates and their advisors should use the west doors of Gale Bullman to enter the building and meet in the Aerobics Room (main level gym). Candidates will receive their name cards and hoods at that location. Before the ceremony begins, be sure your tassel is on the left side of your cap. The faculty marshals will direct you to your seat. You should remain standing until you are asked to be seated. The provost and executive vice chancellor for academic affairs will present the candidates to the chancellor.

  • A faculty marshal will direct you and your advisor to the appropriate position. Present your name card to the name reader at the bottom of the stairs. You and your advisor advance to the center of the stage to be hooded.
  • While on the platform, your photo will be taken by a professional photographer who will share proofs to the address shown on the label of the name card. 
  • After you exit the stage, you'll go into the hallway for both an individual and group portrait with your advisor before returning to your seat.
  • At the end of the ceremony, all graduates will follow the directions of the marshals in leaving the arena.

Master's Degree Candidates

Ceremonies are assigned based on disciplines. Candidates should use the west doors of the Gale Bullman Building to enter and will meet in the Student Recreation Center. Candidates will pick up their name cards at the table in that location. Before the ceremony begins, be sure your tassel is on the left side of your cap. The faculty marshals will direct you to your seat. You should remain standing until you are asked to be seated. The provost and executive vice chancellor for academic affairs will present the candidates to the chancellor by degree program.

  • The faculty marshal will direct you to the appropriate position. Present your name card to the name reader at the bottom of the stairs. 
  • While on the platform, your photo will be taken by a professional photographer who will share proofs to the address shown on the label of the name card. 
  • After you exit the stage, you'll go into the hallway for an individual portrait before returning to your seat.
  • At the end of the ceremony, all graduates will follow the directions of the marshals in leaving the arena.

Bachelor's Degree Candidates

Ceremonies are assigned based on disciplines. Candidates should use the west doors of the Gale Bullman Building to enter and will meet in the Student Recreation Center and line up by degree program. Candidates will receive their name cards while waiting in the program groups. Before the ceremony begins, be sure your tassel is on the left side of your cap. The faculty marshals will direct you to your seat. You should remain standing until you are asked to be seated. The provost and executive vice chancellor for academic affairs will present the candidates to the chancellor by degree program.

  • The faculty marshal will direct you to the appropriate position. Present your name card to the name reader at the bottom of the stairs. 
  • While on the platform, your photo will be taken by a professional photographer who will share proofs to the address shown on the label of the name card. 
  • After you exit the stage, you'll go into the hallway for an individual portrait before returning to your seat.
  • At the end of the ceremony, all graduates will follow the directions of the marshals in leaving the arena.

Getting your name right is important to us. Please complete this form so that we have a phonetic spelling of your name.

The names of undergraduate candidates receiving academic honors at commencement are listed in the commencement program. In preparing this list the University of Missouri cumulative average is used effective at the start of the last semester. The level of undergraduate honors appearing on the diploma will include the grades from the final semester.